I’m going to be summing up/reviewing my life one year at a time over the next few years they’ll be filled with a multitude of struggles, triumphs, love, disappointment and more.
On the dawn of my 28th birthday I took an inventory, of everything. In March of my 27th year I got a job that has brought me so much joy and friends I can’t believe how lucky I am. My job for the first 3-4 months of the year was a horrible job where I made decent money but I worked an opposite schedule from my husband I was paying for parking, gas, wear-and-tear on my car, ferry fees and was barely spending anytime at home. I worked in real estate for a guy who often yelled at me about wanting to work from home and who I had to haggle with for my paycheck. I have an amazing job now with a great company and fantastic people. I even get to bring my dog to work. I hope to always be employed with this company, but the job is not in the career field I wanted nor does it pay what I’d hope with my 2 degrees. I’ve shelved my journalism dreams because I’ve failed at it one too many times. Now I write blogs and hate myself for it because it’s just an outlet, an online journal for the world to see and often times the world is not kind. Not that I mind but I know it will go nowhere.
I’m 30-40 pounds overweight. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 12. I have never been thin enough. I lost 35 pounds in 2008 and have pretty much gained it all back. I work out a lot. It’s very depressing. I’ve got a substantial credit card debt paired with a car I purchased and am still paying off. Between the debt, bills, food, vet bills, saving for the unexpected and other little chips and stabs at my paycheck, I’m not left with much to do the things I want to do before Tim and I lay some serious roots.
My marriage was the biggest joy this past year. I am madly in love with my husband and look forward to our future together. However, our wedding caused a lot of rifts and strained a lot of relationships. My father and I didn’t talk for awhile after the wedding. We fought a lot with the planning my maid of honor – my baby sister Nani – further aggravated the situation. I was called a bridezilla a lot through the planning process. All I wanted was a simple backyard, Hawaii wedding and while the wedding was amazingly, stunningly beautiful, it was entirely too stressful. Wires got crossed, feelings got hurt. I cried twice because my dad yelled at me and my family wouldn’t do what I wanted to do on my wedding day. People traveled from as far as France to Hawaii and it was a fantastic event but you couldn’t pay me to go through that again. Thankfully, Tim and I are stuck like glue to each other so I don’t foresee there ever being a need.
The wedding, however, did bring me back to one of my longest running passions – hula. I danced a hula for my husband and it reignited my 13 previous years of professional dancing. I love hula dancing and have recently started joining a class again.
Overall this year in review was amazing, I got a great job that stopped my panic attacks and I married the man of my dreams. I’m hoping over the course of year 28 to alleviate some of the above pressures, but it’s like a new year’s resolution, made to be broken.