The crisp fall air punctuated the moment, an exclamation point with every sharp breath.
“What happened?” he squealed.
Her breathing was even, slow drags in and out off an invisible cigarette. Her heart rate didn’t elevate. But she had started out so fervent.
“Something was chasing me.” Flora said.
“Well what is it?” Jeremy asked. His voice was two pitches too high.
As Flora examined the broken bones and oozes that was once a creature she came to no definite conclusion.
“Well is it dead?” Jeremy had been driving the car, looking for flora when he struck the thing. Flora bolted when it showed its ugly mug to them the first time during an evening make out session in the woods. While in the backseat of a warm car, something shook the vehicle. Not aggressively, just slightly. Enough for Flora to notice, enough for her to wipe the condensation off the window and look outside. It was something, something unfathomable.
“Pretty sure it’s not getting back up, how fast were you going?” Flora exhaled and was delighted in the steam of her breath accenting the navy blue sky, illuminated by blaring headlights. It was like her breath was trapped by the headlights, unable to progress. She notices the thing produced no such vapor.
“Hey shouldn’t this carcass be giving off steam if it’s oozing like this?”
There were too many questions aimed at Jeremy and he couldn’t dodge them all. His mind raced and words came out in hurried breaths. Trying to get as much information out at a time.
“I was worried about you. I was driving pretty fast, wasn’t really paying attention.” He paused, pregnant. “It should be steaming. The flesh looks weird.”
Flora’s mind watched the carcass pump the last of its vital juices. She watched the hard, cold ground resist the poison before accepting and absorbing.
“I…” She thought how not to make Jeremy’s voice rise to yet an even higher decibel level. “I think it was dead before you hit it.” It sounded ludicrous leaving her lips.
Jeremy’s mind went into overdrive and started rejecting her thoughts, she had no concern, maybe she was a part of it.
“What like someone just threw a dead thing in front of my car?” He put his hands involuntarily on his hips. “Oh no, wait, maybe it’s a remote control dead thing and someone is getting a rise out of us.”
He swiveled his hips, shrugged and made an annoying pppffffttt sound. Disbelief is a weird thing.
“Mocking me is not going to make this situation any less confusing.” Her voice was mellow, clinical. “Should we take it with us? Maybe take it to someone who can figure out what it is? It WAS following me.”
“I’m not putting that nasty thing in my car. Just leave it. We can bring someone back to it. It’s fairly large; I don’t think anything is going to take off with it.” It might have been a dog or a wolf, neither could place its face. Flora looked it dead in its milky whites but couldn’t place anything else.
“Okay, well then I guess we should probably get out of these woods. Would you mind taking me home?”
With senses returning and his high voice diminishing, Jeremy became focused, once again on Flora.
“Well, we just went through a traumatic experience, are you sure you don’t want to, maybe, talk about it or get a coffee.”
Flora glared at him,
“You truly have a penis, don’t you?” Her voice finally raised and curled and kicked with venom.
He laughed and tried to put his arms around her as they returned to the car.
Their voices were carried up and away, above the trees, the cold air compounding on it, crushing it, forgetting it.
“Don’t touch me,” Flora spat.
The car spitted and turned, started and moaned. The dead thing passed under its axles, untouched. Headlights streamed, emphasized by the chill of air. Dirt and rock crushed under slow moving tires. Dust was tossed and lost in the slight autumn breeze.
Night fell harder, becoming a consuming darkness. The car was long gone. The dead trees stirred as movement was found within them.
Eyes spied the dead thing, demolished by man and their machines.
“Lucky, what happened?” A deep voice uttered into the black. The voice reached down and scooped up the annihilated, indecipherable creature and cradling it to its chest, the voice sauntered back into the welcoming woods, back into the black.